Saturday, August 9, 2014

A society can only survive so much liberty before it becomes liscense to destroy the past and ruin the future!

The title speaks to my mind on the silly idea that we should just DO ANY old thing without regard for ANYTHING but the nonsense PC law and OUR 'feelings' as long 'It don't hurt anyone else' ... which sounds fine in theory but in practice: We are intervoven one to the other, and the acts of one effect the other, and while MOST things should be personal choices, SOMETHINGS like public order, public morality and public authority are NOT merely and solely personal choices. Period. 


And For the lame 'You are a Marxist' crowd: Blow Catfish running boy. 

You cannot define 'Marxism' much less tell me the differences between Marxism and any other 'ism' including 'liberalism' and 'conservatism' so I will be doing the labeling and you will be doing the STFU and listening, OR you can simply take your dumb ass down the way where they cheer on stupidity rather than castrate it.  

Since IN the REAL world ... What I am saying about the family, the group, and society is more true than ANY blather you can summon up from the dead slave drivers. It also does not have the baggage of the NONSENSE costume clowns ... who cannot like the founder fixated see the ESSENTIAL from the inconsequential and are stuck upon the glamor and lose sight of the substance. 

Here are some REALITY based concepts:
In every society there is a HIERARCHY; however in a normal society the LOWEST order of that Hierarchy is made up of stable nuclear families that have extended family support. They are also situated such that they can feed, house, cloth and reproduce themselves.

If that is 'Marxism' to you ... You personally are simply too stupid to be allowed to waste good air. No reason to 'reason' with you as you have NO ability or inclination to use 'reason' if people needing to be feed, clothed and housed to stay alive is 'Marxism'. IRL: I point and belly laugh at people like you and THEN dare them to come at me ...Again, yes I am being VERY rude to your dumb ass, as you DESERVE to be treated like a dumb useless mutt, being less useful than ANY dumb mutt. Here is some tissue, dry your eyes and get over it, or go and do the right thing.

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