Thursday, July 3, 2014

To Summarize and attempt to systemize ...

If you want to 'get' my ideas, going through my posts in this order will make it much easier to get a systemic idea of what I would like to see happen re:Nations, Peoples, Economics, Justice, Governance and Society more generally:











1.) We live under a Credit Monopoly that is used by a Plutocratic Oligarchy to rule us all.

2.) To be free we must band together and work very very hard.

3.) Hammers home the 1 and 2 some more since repetition is the key here.

4.) Once it is understood that an Oligarchy is attempting to undo us, it follows that we ought to band together, however being atomized we must have an organic understanding of who we are and why, where and what of our doings. It must be hammered home that ANY structure is ONLY as secure as its base is well founded!

5.) Once there is an understanding then and only then does any sort of 'action' make any sense, since before this all 'action' are those of slaves rumbling about the master's house.  Basically until WE have OUR own 'big house' and plots, and gardens, and factories, and credit power, and thus OUR own means to secure LIFE: We have NO effective means of resisting the oligarchy!

6.) To ensure that folks go towards nationalism all hope in the 'electoral two party' process must be systemically destroyed and any faith in its outcomes eviscerated. No 'win' by either party is a National win because BOTH parties are controlled by internationalist 'free trader' money! Denounce, denounce, denounce!

7.) Nationalist must NOT cling to any one of the rotting corpses that is the two party system and must loudly and roundly denounce all with out regard. Anyone that is a economic liberal, neo-liberal or is with the GOP is the enemy just as much as the equality, lesbian alliance folks are the enemy. Period. Cling to your friends and your principles: Devil take the rest!

8.) Mock their economics and point out that ALL human activity is aimed at GOODS useful to life ... it should be in a sane, rational economic system that was purged of our parasite oligarchs and the 'free market' or as I like to mock it the Fee Mark-up.

9) Miss no chance to condemn the current system, round on it for all things, and give it NO credit slack or mercy, as it will give you none. Play the sides against the middle, since Nationalist have NO viable stake in this system and are the ONLY true opposition to Modernity, and it is only by forcing the phoney left and right to pitch in openly with the internationalist against the nation that the common man will be aroused to understanding. Once they FINALLY understand that THIS IS NOT THEIR SYSTEM; then our time in the Sun has come.

10.) Always ensure that folks have a general understanding of the Whys, and what, and try to make it as simple as possible. Always try to make it as easy as: If you work you ought be able to be housed, feed, clothed and raise a family in dignity. Simple; easy; just; direct. Truth is a powerful weapon.

And with that.

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