Sunday, March 2, 2014

No bias -- I hate both parties equally, like a good redemopublicrat.

 And for a bit more catapult. Fire at will.

And we cannot forget the diagrams:

Folk working together is the key most important thing.
Either You Rule Your Life White Man or somebody else rules over you. No middle ground exists.

A way to organize people to resist the oligarchy. People form clubs; clubs funnel members to other organizations that pool money; pooled money is used to put people onto land where they can produce items needed to live and learn to be self sufficient; these people are organized into associations; associations form up a Credit Union; CU uses credit power that was created by peoples labor to help further peoples goals.

People on Land using labor produce EVERYTHING that is needed if 'land' is meant to include all natural resources and capital made from those resources. This is the real truth. If you have access to land and labor and have time ... you have goods.

If you are not angry you are one of the thieves!


  1. You must know that if you take support from one party you merely allow the other to win. So by telling folks to NOT vote for the conservatives you are allowing the liberals to win. How smart is that?

    1. You must know that by voting for conservatives you are ensuring that ALL of the working and middle class Majority population loses in the Long Term. How smart is that, smart guy?

  2. You can deny all you want but you are a communist by any other name.

    1. Sure, sure, and you are the product of a limited educational system and gene pool working in tandem. Thanks for your time, as I am sure it was a tough choice between posting here and looking up the Lotto numbers.

  3. Replies
    1. The above was posted by somebody ... it was REALLY LONG. And now it is just a stub under another name and forgotten. Censorship works!

  4. Some just cannot accept that farming, work and some amount of discomfort are the way of things in life.

    1. They rather would hope that using name magic will do the trick!
